It's funny - I never liked my nose. It's always seemed to be a little too bulbous. It was cute when I was five I guess, before it decided to try to outpace the size of my mouth. So you can imagine my delight when I was told by someone today that I have the perfect nose for a piercing.
I actually did have my nose pierced, many years ago now (ick) when I was trying so hard to be cool and alternative. I came home from college to visit my parents for Easter during my freshman year - my mother calmly observed the small stud in my right nostril and said, "Ok, well promise me you'll at least take it out for church."
I think it lasted about a year. I remember the backing for the stud used to fall out at night sometimes while I was sleeping and get lodged in my nasal passage. Freaky. And forget about it when you have a cold - not a fun experience blowing your nose.
But I did like the idea of how different I was for having it. Back then I didn't know too many girls who were sporting face piercings. Now you actually see middle-aged women lining up for these and their first tattoo. I guess we're all lightening up a bit?
So maybe it's time to reconsider the beauty of my nose - even if it looks better with more holes in it.
At least you don't have my nose.