That's one of the reasons I'd been gun-shy about this whole universe of creative expression. Most people, it seems, blog with a clear objective, with purpose. They are experts of some trade, or have a passion about something - antiques, photography, music, maybe just themselves. I'm a jack of all trades, master of none as they say. I can tell you a little about a lot, but not a lot about very little.
So I just want to be clear. This blog is about nothing - I really don't plan to go to deep into my personal life, guide anyone in a new hobby or occupation. But I'll try to be honest, and maybe once in awhile it will be a little entertaining.

And I guess I could throw you a bone with a good quote or something, and maybe a picture here or there.
Today, let's end with a quote:
"We are all cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." ~ Ray Bradbury