Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Burning Up

What is it about staying home sick, as an adult, that makes it so difficult to give into? I'm not sure that was even a properly formed sentence, but hey, I'm sick. I think I'm actually feverish, but I don't own a thermometer to confirm that.

So what I did give into was working from home, with the caveat that I'd take a nice nap at some point. So this morning, I dragged myself out of bed, threw on some clothes, got into the chilly car (yikes, when did it start getting dewy on the windshield in the morning?) and drove to work to get some stuff to bring home.

I knew it was a bad decision when I blew threw a stop sign and cut off one of the VP's on the way to the office. And then couldn't figure out how to open the door to the building to leave.

When I got home though, instead of reclining and pumping myself full of Advils, I got right onto my laptop and started thinking of all the things I could try to get done today that I wouldn't have to wait to do tomorrow. Then my boss called with a question. Then before I knew it, I'd worked through the whole morning, and not really in a productive sense, but in a pseudo feverish, not quite right sense.

Moral of the story - when you're sick you're sick, buy a thermometer and a few aspirins, and stay off the computer. And now I'm going to go follow doctor's orders.

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~Mark Twain


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you are sick, especially right before your big trip. I cannot relate to working while sick -- when I feel bad, I have to lie down and sleep. There's no other recourse.

    Take care & get better soon! hugs, Beth
